
Sale of City Fee-Owned Property
Sawera Ravat
122 Paul Revere Dr. Houston Texas 77024
Matthew Williams
1800 Bering Drive Houston TX 77057
The Weaver Law Firm
Description and total area of the requested fee-owned property and the address of the applicant's abutting property. (Example: 90(10'*9')square feet of fee-owned property abutting 565 Main Street)
Legal description of the fee-owned property, by lot and block, including the name of the subdivision If the property is not located in a platted subdivision, provide the name of the survey and abstract name.(Example: Lot 2, Block 4 of the Mayflower Subdivision, out of the Henry Lee Survey, A-1)

The address of the applicant's abutting property(If different from the address previosly entered)

The name and address of all other abutting proprty owners to the fee-owned property

A statement deatiling the proposed use of the fee owned property by the applicant
A clear 8.5 x 11-inch drawing or map of the requested property interest highlighted in different colors or cross-hatched in different patterns, with a legend indicating property owned by other abutting property owners (if applicable) and the property requested to be sold.
One recently dated aerial photograph of the subject area.
Three different, full size, recent, clear photographs of the subject area taken from different directions or point of view marked or otherwise indicating the requested property in relation to reference points such as streets, the applicant's property, etc.
The subdivision plat,deed, or legal instrument that dedicated or conveyed the City's or public's ownership of the requested property interest, in a clearly readable form with the recording information. The subdivision plat must be large as necessary to accommodate the map and dedicatory language on one page.
Harris County Appraisal District printouts showing the applicant's property ownership, the City's ownership, any other abutting property owner's ownership if applicable.
Surveys or City drawings of the subject area if available.
Current title report of the parent tract.
Site plan of current and proposed project ( if available).
Date Comments Status Name Role
6/25/2019 4:44:16 PM Applicant Review Matthew Williams Agent
6/26/2019 2:52:01 PM Submitted Sawera Ravat Applicant
6/27/2019 11:15:50 AM This City of Houston fee-owned property was obtained by deed Vol. 3890, Page 83 and conveyed as a 50 foot-wide drainage easement. This deed was not included in the application and should have been included under the tab "The subdivision plat, deed or legal instrument that dedicated or conveyed the City's etc..... Upon location and review of the deed, it appears that there is reverter language listed in the deed that should the easement no longer be used for said purposes as a drainage easement it would revert to the then owners of said property. Thank you, Donna Brackett Real Estate Analyst Rejected Real Estate Intake Agent

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