
Non-Acceptance/Disclaimer of Street or Alley
Ramon Romero
2937 Clinton Dr Houston Texas 77020
Description of the portion of the street or alley to be processed as a non-acceptance (Example:Sarah Avenvue, from West Knight Road to David Street):

Total estimated area of street or alley (Example: 20 feet wide by 200 feet long; total of 4,000 square feet) :

Legal description of the property abutting the portion of the street or alley by lot and block, including the name of the subdivision (Example: Lot 5, Block 3, Western Heights Subdivision or Tracts 1A and 3C, Obedience Smith Survey, A-56):

Address of the street or alley area and the address of the applicant's abutting property (if different from that shown in Part I) :
If there are any agreements from other departments within the City associated with this request, please attach a copy of the agreement to this form :
Statement of intended use of the easement to be non-accepted :
A clear 8.5 x 11-inch drawing or map of the requested property interest highlighted in different colors or cross-hatched in different patterns, with a legend indicating property owned by other abutting property owners (if applicable) and the property requested to be sold.
One recently dated aerial photograph of the subject area.
Three different, full size, recent, clear photographs of the subject area taken from different directions or point of view marked or otherwise indicating the requested property in relation to reference points such as streets, the applicant's property, etc.
The subdivision plat,deed, or legal instrument that dedicated or conveyed the City's or public's ownership of the requested property interest, in a clearly readable form with the recording information. The subdivision plat must be large as necessary to accommodate the map and dedicatory language on one page.
Harris County Appraisal District printouts showing the applicant's property ownership, the City's ownership, any other abutting property owner's ownership if applicable.

Surveys or City drawings of the subject area if available.
Current title report of the parent tract.
Site plan of current and proposed project ( if available).
Date Comments Status Name Role
7/23/2019 3:52:01 PM * Please note that document signed application contains the complete application signed by the abutting owners. The document "Meadow Street Non-Acceptance Cover Letter" contains a message the community would like to pass to the JRC committee. Thank you very much for your consideration on this application and hope to hear from you soon. ** My neighbors and I collectively have lived on Clinton Drive since our townhomes were originally built in 2004. We have seen the neighborhood grow exponentially in this time frame. There has been very little turnover on our side of the community due to our love and appreciation for EaDo and what the city has done for the area. We are filling a non-acceptance application to own the street directly behind our houses (Meadows Street, North of intersection of Clinton Dr and Meadows Street) in the hopes of taking it back for our community. Over the years, we have seen this track of land being used in various unacceptable ways. First and foremost, not being maintained on a regular basis. Overgrown grass, weeds and the occasional small trees reside there. It has created cover for individuals to use in order to case and at one-point break into one of our own homes during the night. Thankfully no one was hurt, however it does create concern for me and my neighbors. Secondly, the area is also used as a dog park/area for dog owners to use for their pets to relieve themselves. As the weather heats up, the large amount of dog waste in the space does cause pretty bad odors at times. Overall, if our application was accepted, we could take over this space, maintain it on a regular basis and also fence it in to deter individuals from crime in our community. Thank you for reviewing our application and we hope to hear from you soon. Sincerely, Ultra Community Submitted Ramon Romero Applicant
7/24/2019 11:30:26 AM Real Estate Intake Agent

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